Maps are drawn according to the international standards: International Specifications for Orienteering Maps (ISOM 2017) and International Specification for sprint orienteering maps (ISSPOM 2019).
Kortowo (sprint)
Scale 1:4000. Urban area, flat surface, dense network of paved roads and paths. In the center of the map parkland with good visibility and runability.
Zazdrość (middle)
Scale 1:10 000. Forrest area with domination of coniferous species and heavy understorey. Undulating terrain, reach in small hills and depressions. Moderate runability and visibilty, in many places limited. Marsh and wetland occur, depending on actual weather.
Stary Dwór (relay)
Scale 1: 10 000. Forest area, the mosaic of coniferous and broadleaves tree-stands. Marsh and wetland occur, depending on actual weather. Terrain is undulating, in south-east the height is dropping with mild slope. Presence of open areas as well as those with limited visibility and runability.
Kortowo Las (model)
Scale 1: 10 000. Forest area with broadleaf domination, in depressions mostly alder. Terrain slightly undulated wih mild slopes. Moderate visibility and runability.
Sprint & Middle: WM10, WM12, WM14, WM16, WM18, WM20, WM21,
WM35, WM40, WM45, WM50, WM55, WM60, WM65, WM70, WM75,
WM80, OPEN short/easy, OPEN long/difficult
Two legs – WM12, WM14, WM18, WM20, WM 140, open
Three legs – WM21, WM105, WM135, WM165, WM195, open
Note: participation for runners from the class WM 21 class in relay teams 105, 140, 135, 165 and 195 is not allowed, even if the cumulative age of runners in a relay team fits the respective master class limit.
During the event, the SPORTident timekeeping system will be used. Air+ cards will be approved and activated in each race, and classic SI card will be accepted as well. Rented Air+ cards number is limited, so rent order will be processed first come first serve basis.
In case the SI box does not beep or flash, competitors must punch on the map with the traditional pin punches mounted on all controls. The team leaders have to return the rented SI-card to the Information Desk after the last race. It is a runner’s responsibility to bring the correct SI card and ensure it is working. Hired SI cards must be returned at the finish on the last day of the competition. The cost to replace a missing SI card is 30 euro.